Divine Purpose
Have you been wondering what your purpose is?
*Purpose* (noun) the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.
You were born, you were created 100% worthy. You have already fulfilled your “purpose.”
What does this mean for You today?
This is amazing news because you my friend have fulfilled your purpose of Life.
Everything else you want to do or become, is your divine purpose.
From the time I was a young woman in my teens, I have been asking myself these questions “what is my purpose? Why am I alive? What am I supposed to do with my life?”
I have been a wife, a mother, a friend, a daughter.
I have answered the question for myself. My purpose is to learn and grow and evolve into the best version of myself for myself that I possibly can. My purpose is to be an example of what is possible for myself and my family and the world.
The best part of this knowledge is that each of us, me and you, have free will to make this decision for ourselves. What will you decide your divine purpose is?