Jacquelin – Coaching for Your Life

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Emotional Skill Stacking

Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert cartoon strip, says “the idea of a talent stack or skill stack is that you can combine ordinary skills until you have enough of the right kind of skills to be extraordinary. You don’t have to be the best at any one thing all you need is skills that work well together. “

” A combination of mediocre skills can make you surprisingly valuable” Scott Adams. 

Here are a few things that I believe are important for any emotional skills stack. 

1. Self-awareness 

True self awareness begins with understanding your thoughts, your emotions, and how you think about yourself.  Beginning to understand that our thoughts create our feelings. Thoughts create results. Practice choosing thoughts that create the feelings and results you want to have.

2. Feelings-Awareness 

Our feelings are created by our thoughts and by learning how to identify each feeling and the thought that caused those feelings we can begin to be fully responsible for our own emotional well-being.  We can begin to understand that no one outside of ourselves can make us feel anything without our permission. 

We can practice choosing feelings and learn to feel all of your feelings and choose how we want to feel on purpose.

3. Self-Confidence

The definition of self confidence is “A feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities and judgments.” 

The skill of self confidence comes from how we decide to think about ourselves and what we actually believe about ourselves. Confidence is always going to come from a place of trusting in yourself and believing you can do whatever it is you want to do even though you might make mistakes or fall short of your goals, you show up as the next best version of yourself no matter what. 

4. Vulnerability

Dr Brene Brown has said, “having the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent, and lead.  Vulnerability is defined as uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure, vulnerability is the birthplace of Love, belonging, Joy, courage, empathy and creativity.” 

I believe that being able to be vulnerable helps us to be authentically in tune with ourselves and our own emotions. Vulnerability is knowing that you are perfect exactly the way you are and being willing to love ourselves exactly where we are in our life journey.

5. Unconditional love

Love is always an option, the truth is we can love someone no matter what. 

Love is always an option. 

Love feels amazing. If you could feel any emotion that you wanted most to feel what would you choose? 

Many times we decide not to feel loved by the thoughts we have, for example, when I choose to think “he doesn’t love me because he is always rude to me” I am withholding my love from him because of my thought  “he is rude all the time,” l am withholding my love from me as well because the emotions that I feel for someone else, they don’t feel the same emotions. Feelings are not shareable like that. When I feel hate towards someone I experienced that all by myself and they don’t even know about it.

Think about how you would feel if the love you felt for other people made you feel love all the time, how amazing would that be? 

Feeling loved on purpose regardless of what they say do or think is always an option. That is unconditional love. 

These are just a few of the skills in my emotional skills stack that I practice on purpose everyday. 

What emotional skills stack would you like to begin practicing? 

I would love to continue this conversation with you! I would like to invite you to join me on my Facebook page to continue the conversation and explore what other skills you can put into your talent stack. 
