Growing Takes Time
growing /ˈɡrōiNG/ adjective
(of a living thing) undergoing natural development by increasing in size and changing physically.
“the needs of the growing child”
becoming greater over a period of time; increasing.
When I was a young teenager I did not think about growing to become my best self. I thought I was just living.
As a young woman in my 20’s I was a new mom and was watching my children grow and learn, and I was learning and growing up with my kids.
We grow in all stages of life even when we don’t feel like we are growing, even when we are working on growth sometimes we focus so much on what we think we still need to learn, that we don’t notice that we are growing.
I just turned 52 and I am actively working daily on growing my mind, growing my internal spiritual life to become the best version of myself the universe has for me.
We can choose our path of growth. Whatever we focus on our attention on is where we tend to grow.
Becoming Greater. Increasing. Growing.
What are you doing today to Become Greater? To Grow. To Increase?
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