Jacquelin – Coaching for Your Life

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Recently I have been talking with people, and something I keep hearing over and over again is they wish they just had more passion in their life… They want to go and find passion. To Feel Passion. 

Where does passion come from and where do we find it? 

I believe that passion isn’t something outside of ourselves that we have to go and find.  

Passion is not some great treasure that we have to go on a big treasure hunt to find. 

Passion, like every other emotion is generated in our thoughts. 

When I think passionate thoughts I feel passion.  

When I talk about things that I’m passionate about I feel energized and filled with passion. 

One of the steps for experiencing passion effortlessly is to repeatedly think the same sentence so many times that it becomes hard wired into the neural networks of our subconscious brain.

Programming our brain with new thoughts can feel like learning to drive a stick shift car, slow, clunky, jerky motions of going through the gears, but pretty soon and I’ll become second nature and you don’t even think about it anymore. 

it’s the same for our brain when we want to think thoughts to create an emotion we want to feel. 

Everything we need to feel passion, and any other emotion, exists only within ourselves. 

Our thoughts create our feelings… To feel passion start thinking passionate thoughts. 

Come and join me and let’s continue this conversation together! 
