What Exactly Is a Life Coach?

A life coach is someone who helps you identify your goals and develop an actionable plan to achieve them. Coaching may sound like a foreign concept to some. A life coach is someone professionally trained to help you maximize your full potential and reach your desired results.

The relationship between a client and their life coach is a creative partnership that seeks to:

  • Identify, clarify, and create a vision for what the client wants.

  • Use a coach’s expertise to modify goals as needed.

  • Encourage the client’s self-discovery and growth.

  • Nurture and evoke strategies and a plan of action based on what fits best with the client’s goals, personality, and vision.

  • Foster client accountability to increase productivity.


The process of working with a life coach will give you tools to:

  • Learn to manage your mind and create the results in your life you most desire.

  • Focus on setting goals and achieving them.

  • Gain clarity in your purpose.

  • Ignite passion in your relationships.

  • Remove beliefs that are sabotaging you from having a true connection.

  • Discover the key to fulfillment in relationships.

  • Discover how to break down limiting beliefs you hold about yourself and your partner.

Free Consult – How It Works

It’s very easy! Book your appointment on the scheduler. You’ll get a free, no-obligation 30-minute Consult Session where we will chat a bit, and share ideas and thoughts about what coaching with me might look like, and it’s FUN!

Begin. Image of coffee cup on a table. Representing the beginning of Life Coaching with Jacquelin

What to expect from our coaching sessions:

Coaching is a collaborative, ongoing professional relationship that helps you produce extraordinary results in every aspect of your life. Through the process of coaching, you will deepen your understanding of yourself, and apply what you learn leading to clarity and improvement in your work and personal life. Coaching focuses on your goals and objectives. Coaching helps you discover your inner resources and tools for achieving your goals.

You’ll leave our session with insights you didn’t have when you started the call, and you’ll have clarity around how working with me can help you brush the dust off your purpose and passion. You’ll begin to see the benefit of putting yourself first and realize that everything you need to be excited about the next chapter of life is already within you!

It is important to understand:

  • Coaching sessions are not therapy or psychological counseling sessions. We may briefly explore your past to make progress towards achieving your goals. However, we both agree that we will not utilize coaching in place of treatment for mental health care, therapy, or psychological counseling sessions.

  • Coaching presupposes that you are resourceful and that you know the right answers for you. As your Coach, I will support you in finding these answers by walking alongside you and asking direct, intentional questions to aid in your exploration. I will hold a neutral space of grace and accountability for you to accomplish the goals you set.

Click here for Coaching parameters, and the dual responsibilities for the Coach and Client relationship.