Plans versus Reality

Have you ever thought to yourself “well that didn’t go according to how I planned it”? 

But what if…Everything is exactly as it’s supposed to be. 

Our “plan” is really just our anticipated expectation of a desired outcome.  

Like in the picture above…A lot of our “plans” don’t include this thing we call life, interrupting our anticipated expectation. 

But the beauty of this is that everything in our life is really just an experiment. 

We have an idea. 

we make a plan. 

We execute the plan. 

Sometime the everything goes according to the plan and we get to put that in the “Win – Inventory” and although winning feels really good it doesn’t always teach us the valuable lessons that losing or failing does. 

Most all of our true growth happens in those pockets of failure of when nothing goes according to the “plan.”

Here is what I know about the plan versus reality. 

Creating a plan is awesome and feels great because I’m learning about my ideas and how I want the plan to go. 

The reality of the plan in action, teaches me how to adapt and move forward. 

To evaluate, make any necessary changes and continue forward. 

To always look on the bright side of life because sometimes things turn out very differently from how you planned but that doesn’t mean that it’s wrong or unsuccessful. 

Things happen that are sometimes beyond our control and sometimes within it too, which can put a real dent in your plans and bring up all of your emotions.

This gives us an opportunity to choose how we respond to our own emotions. Do we resist them and feel pain, or do we allow them and there an in grow. 

In both the planning and in reality the key is to always be learning always be ready to adapt, and always be willing to let go of ideas or plans that in reality just do not work.


Becoming Anti-fragile


Do You Talk to Yourself?