Jacquelin – Coaching for Your Life

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Resilience in the Face of Adversity

Adversity. Challenges. Obstacles. 

Resilience in the face of adversity. 

How well do you handle adversity, challenges and obstacles?

Are you able to work your way through challenges and adversities in your life? Where do you go out of your way to avoid the adversities, challenges and obstacles in your life?

Sometimes we must face adversity in challenges that we cannot avoid or give up on, for instance, my aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer 15 years ago. This was a diagnosis that she could not avoid or give up on. Her diagnoses affected everyone in the family, everyone in the family had a different response to her diagnosis. My aunt faced her diagnosis as if it was just another challenge to be overcome, each day no matter how good or bad she felt she valiantly Rose to the occasion and face every obstacle, challenge and adversity with grace and courage.  Adversity and challenge became her best friends and she met them head-on until the very end.

in the face of adversity or challenges or obstacles that we cannot avoid or give up on we are forced to acquire a skill set to handle these situations… Are we always good at it? Maybe…mayne not. 

Do we always have courage? Maybe, maybe not.  Are we always capable of meeting adversity and challenges or obstacles head-on? Maybe..maybe not. 

In those times of adversity, challenges, and obstacles where quiting or giving up is not an option we do our best and we test our resilience to adversity, challenges, and obstacles less than when we have the option to quit… And here is why.

when we Face adversity, challenges or obstacles that we have the option to quit on but we forge our way through those challenges, obstacles and adversity, we are actually teaching our brain that we can handle obstacles, challenges, and adversity on purpose.

When we choose on purpose to overcome any and all challenges, obstacles and adversity and we are willing to feel all of our feelings in the face of those challenges, obstacles and adversity we are building our adversity talent stack.

Our ability to face adversity and challenges gets stronger and we learn and grow because of them. By increasing our ability we are more willing to go towards challenges and adversity, we can embrace and face these difficult times on purpose when our ability and our capacity to handle adversity grows stronger.

do you avoid Problems by running away from them? Or do you face adversity and challenges head-on?

Avoiding adversity and challenges only weekends us and our ability to handle those adversities, challenges and obstacles.

Are you living your life in a way that create a higher tolerance for adversity? Do you embrace challenges? Discomfort is the currency of our dreams, goals and successes.

By learning to turn adversities, challenges and obstacles into opportunities we grow our adversity talent stack which in turn helps us become the person we are capable of being. 

I would like to hear about your adversity, challenges and obstacles talent stack…if you would like to continue the conversation with me I invite you to connect with me on my Facebook page 
