Closed Doors

Closed Doors…

I was traveling recently and I happen to be the first person off the plane and up the jet bridge.  Coming to the end of the walkway I realized that the door going into the airport was closed…I tried the door and it wouldn’t open, it wasn’t locked but I was afraid to really test it because it’s not my job to make sure the door is open for us to walk through.

The people behind me were asking things like, is it locked? Did you try it? Maybe we have to wait? So I told the two men behind me to try it! Both of them declined to help while continuing to heckle me saying they didn’t want to get in trouble!
Then all of a sudden the jet bridge operator yells from the end by the plane… “I’m so sorry!! You just have to push really hard to get it open!”

My friends, this is how all doors of life and opportunity work…very few doors just magically open for us. We must take initiative and do the work required to open the doors we want to walk through.

Dream it.
Speak them into existence.
Live it.
Lean into those future doors in your life and begin the road to progress!


Planes, Automobiles, and Escalators


Optional Thoughts