Do You Talk to Yourself?
Dr James Gills said, “I’ve learned to talk to myself instead of listen to myself.”
He continued, “If I listen to myself I hear all the reasons why I should give up. I hear that I’m too tired-too old-too weak to make it. But if I talk to myself I can give myself the encouragement and words I need to hear to keep running and finish the race.”
When I read this, I was right in the middle of life coach certification school and I was struggling with a lot of negative self talk, filled with self doubt about my ability to complete the certification process.
Thoughts like, I’ve never done this before, how can I possibly do this kind of work? Or my favorite thought, there is just way too much to do.
After I read Dr Gills work, I realized that I was not talking to myself At ALL!!
What kind of things is your brain telling you?
Since then I have been talking to myself More and listening to my inner negative Nelly Less and it has made all of the difference.
I completed the certification process!
Does my brain still talk to me? Absolutely!! Do I automatically listen?? Way Less.
Now I tell myself that I have Everything I need to do whatever task is before me.
I talk to myself about the future I dream about.
I talk to myself about my goals.
Do you listen to yourself? Or do you talk to yourself?
I would love to connect with you and hear your thoughts on what YOU tell Yourself!
Join me on my Facebook page and let’s continue the conversation!