Letting Go

Why do we have so much trouble letting go? 

We like to hold onto things, situations, circumstances, people, feelings.  There’s comfort in the familiarity, even when it’s rooted in negative emotion. 

When we are unable to let go, our memories and emotions become a part of our “story” and then work against us, holding us back. 

We need to learn how to let go so that we can begin to live proactively and positively. 

Learning when it’s time to let go is one of the most difficult parts of every single relationship.  Though each relationship is different, most find it’s time to let go when a relationship causes them more pain than pleasure or when trust has been eroded to the point where there is nothing left.

I love how Brooke Castillo describes when a relationship has ended, that the relationship is complete…there is no need for negative emotions when things come to an end because it has been completed.  

Learning to use our pre frontal cortex and create the thoughts we want to have, letting go of the “story” we have decided to believe, and focus our attention on new thoughts we are creating and believing about our abilities to let go and move forward. 

The key to letting go a relationship, person, place, or thing is facing what has happened, accepting you cannot change it, and then moving on. 

Once you’re able to move on and begin to appreciate the growth that comes from everything that happened, better opportunities will present themselves and we can begin writing our own new story. 

I invite you to connect with me on my Facebook page and continue this amazing work of self exploration and growth. 



The Power of Making Decisions

