The Power of Making Decisions

Tony Robbins – “It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.”

I used to spend a lot of time in the realm of  “I don’t know” and “I need to think about it” I was so afraid of making the wrong decision that I just couldn’t decide. I would just consume more information telling myself that having more information would help me decide. this wasted so much of my time and energy and it kept me in the state of limbo unable to make a decision or move forward. 

Granted there are times when more information is required to make a decision. 

But that’s not what I’m talking about, I’m talking about when you have all the facts and you just need to make a decision. 

What if there is no “wrong”decisions? What if there is only our thoughts? What if, what makes something a wrong decision is only you deciding that it was wrong?  it’s possible that there are no wrong decisions unless you decide that something was wrong. 

It’s possible to go into every decision with the attitude of “I am making a decision and I know that regardless of the outcome, 1. I always have my own back and 2. Everything is exactly the way it was meant to be.

There is so much power in making decisions. 

Think about a time when you made a decision and you knew it was the right decision. 

When you make a decision instead of going into the realm of I don’t know and confusion you save time and you allow your brain to move forward. 

Make decisions quickly and a half ahead of time. By doing this you leave no time for worry, self-doubt or confusion. 

By making a decision and truly committing to the decision, following through is much easier. 

Next time you find yourself unable to make a decision remember two things. 

1. Not deciding is a decision. 

2. It’s possible, there are no wrong decisions, there’s just what you decide to think about it. 

Tony Robbins – “a real decision is measured by the fact that you’ve taken a new action. If there’s no action, you haven’t truly decided”

I would love to continue this conversation with you and figure out in which ways you are residing in decision paralyzation, or making decisions quickly and firmly and moving forward. 

Come join me on my Facebook page where we can talk some more about this! 

I will see you there!


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