Self Confidence

Where do you believe self confidence comes from? 

The definition that the Google’s give I have self confidence: To be secure in yourself and your abilities.

Our thoughts create our feelings. 

So what does that actually look like? To Have Self Confidence.

  *Trusting yourself*

  *Secure in yourself and your abilities*

  *Plan and follow through 100%*

  *Proactively pursuing your goals*

  *Understanding you can experience any emotion*

*Believing you are good enough and capable and Worthy*

Now let’s look at what it means to not have self confidence.

Not Having Self Confidence:

*Being insecure in yourself and your abilities*

*Not trusting in yourself*

*Going with the flow instead of taking a stance*

*Reactive to thoughts feelings and actions*

*Believing the worst about yourself*

*An inability to stand up for yourself*

*Fear of feeling our feelings*

*Comparing yourself to others*

There’s a difference between self confidence and arrogance. Arrogance is thinking that you’re better than others. Arrogance actually comes from a place of creating false self confidence by trying to put others down. 

Self confidence is a very attractive tool of influence, self-confidence is not necessarily loud or outgoing.  Self-confident people do not have a problem admitting when they don’t know something or when they are wrong about something or when they fail. 

When you have more self-confidence in yourself, you will…

*Set more goals*

*Take more action*

*Take more risks and achieve more*

*Live into your future*

Self-confidence is a practiced self-belief. You have to be certain about yourself and your amazingness because everything outside of yourself is just an opinion about you. And you get to decide if you believe those opinions were not. 

Increasing self-confidence comes from changing your thoughts about yourself, how you look in the mirror and decide to think about yourself. 

Here are a few thoughts for you to try on as you begin to increase your own level of self-confidence. 

*What others think about me is 100% about them*

*Worry only pretends to be necessary*

*Believe that you were created 100% Worthy*

*Decide that other people’s opinions about you don’t matter*

What you decide to believe about yourself is entirely up to you. 

Begin to build your own self confidence by honoring your decisions and standing by them, be brave enough to begin changing your own thoughts about yourself. 

 Thinking thoughts that create confidence and believing them is a skill and beliefs are just thoughts that you think over and over, begin to create thoughts that create beliefs of self confidence. 


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