Disengage Auto Pilot

Life by default, part 1

Have you been living your life on autopilot or by default?

Most of us are. 

Human nature is to seek out comfort and avoid expending effort. 

We all fall into a life of routine at some point or another and some of us just stay there, I personally have been guilty of that myself.

Most of the time it’s not even our own fault, it’s what we’ve been taught, even worse it’s what’s expected.

I was taught to go to school, get good grades, go to college, get a good job.

Maybe find the right spouse, or buy the right car, the white picket fence and the three bedroom house perfectly suited for starting a family. All of these things are taught to us from a very young age either through example or outright instruction. 

From that point on it’s ingrained in us to actually go into default mode… Sure, there is the saying that you have to follow your dreams… But what are those dreams?

I was asking myself for a long time “is this all there is?” 

We often forget that we are responsible for our life moving forward.  We forget that and fall into default mode or autopilot of our daily routine.

We have the power to change our lives and live the future we dream of. 

do you want to settle for whatever just shows up for you? Or do you want to consciously decide your future?

Do you want to decide to live by design and not by default?

Deciding to live your desired life and not the life others design for you takes work and it means embracing discomfort and being willing to fail.

Choose every day. Live consciously – or settle for whatever happens to show up for you in your life. 

Are you ready to turn off your autopilot and stop living by default? 

Stay tuned for part 2 – How to live a life by design. 

I would love to continue this conversation with you and see in what ways you are living your life on autopilot or by default.

Let’s connect and continue this conversation, come join me on my Facebook page where we will continue this and other discussions. 



What is Time?


Life By Design