Life By Design

I’m going to talk to you about some of the steps that I have found helpful if my journey disengage the autopilot or Life by default that I had gotten used to. 

Step #1 

Stop Playing The Blame Game. 

 You know the one I’m talking about… My specific blaming was, blaming my past, if my childhood had been better I could achieve more… If things were just different I could be better… It’s our human nature to blame things outside of ourselves for our reality.

in order to start living consciously we have to let go of all of the thoughts that life is supposed to be easy or that life isn’t supposed to suck or that things outside of ourselves create our success, achievements and happiness. 

Step #2 

Be Very Clear About What You Value.

What do you really want from life and what are the most important elements in your life’s journey? 

Be very honest with yourself about what makes you happy and about what you admire most, where do you feel jealousy or resentments? 

And ask yourself what are you willing to do to have the life of your dreams. 

Step #3

Embrace Discomfort.

Our brains number one job is to keep us safe… Take a moment to thank your brain for doing exactly that you are safe. You are comfortable.

In order to grow and start living your life by design you have to be willing to embrace discomfort because discomfort is the currency of living your dreams and living consciously.

We will be facing new challenges, we will be trying new things and making mistakes and potentially embarrassing yourself sometimes. 

Step #4

Trust Yourself.

Trusting your intuition and your heart will become your greatest asset and living a conscious life of design. 

to live consciously means understanding that 50% of the time life is going to suck no matter what.  We will feel disappointment and we will experience failure and we will hurt. The good news is that means we are doing it right. We are living by design and not by default. Trusting in yourself and understanding that you have all of the wisdom and knowledge within yourself to live the life of your dreams.

Do the work of trusting yourself, the more often you seek your own in our wisdom the more you will trust in yourself. 

Step #5

Consciously Pursue Your Passion and Ideas. 

Your passion and your ideas matter. The less you seek other people’s ideas the more you will tap into your own and create your own passion.  

Turn off all of the distractions, notifications, and begin to hear your own intuition and your own passion and your own ideas come to life. 

These are a few of the things that have really made a difference within myself. 


Disengage Auto Pilot


Freedom – How to Be Free