Freedom – How to Be Free

Where do you believe Freedom comes from?

What is your belief about being free?




  1. the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.

I love Webster’s definition of freedom, the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint isn’t that amazing? 

I believe that means that freedom is first created in our mind. 

It feels like our thoughts are just simply true facts.

I used to think that being free meant that I would need to be independently wealthy and no one could tell me what to do and then I would be free. 

That thought of mine created feelings of being trapped, and like I would never ever be free, this thought brought me so much suffering. 

My thoughts created a false prison in my mind. 

when I was thinking those thoughts I felt like I had no control over my thoughts or of me. 

The first step to freedom is to notice our thoughts and become aware of what we are thinking and ask why. 

The ability to examine our thoughts and how they make us feel is a skill that we need to be developing everyday. 

When I asked my brain why I was choosing to think that I needed to be independently wealthy in order to be free, all of my beliefs about freedom and money came to the surface…I thought that freedom was just something I could buy.

To achieve Freedom we must first realize that we have the power, right, and responsibility to manage our own minds and thoughts. Thought management begins with deciding which thoughts we want to think on purpose.

True Freedom comes when we can make decisions on how we want to think and feel about any given situation or circumstance.

when we become aware of our thoughts, we can then go to the ultimate step of changing what our brains are focusing on and how we want to feel.

One way to do that is to ask yourself amazingly great questions, our brains can’t help but answer when asked a question, it’s what it does best. 

What are some thoughts that you want to believe about freedom? What do you want to think about your Freedom? 

Allowing thoughts and feelings is the ultimate key.  When we allow our thoughts and feelings and become aware of them we can choose differently, we can learn that by directing our thoughts we can create how we want to feel and how we want to react and the results we will get in our lives. 

We can choose Freedom with our thoughts or we can choose to be in a false prison that our thoughts create for us. 

I would love to connect with you and continue this conversation please join me on my Facebook page and we can continue this amazing work together.


Life By Design


Quality over Quantity