We Think We Have Problems




  1. a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome.

    “they have financial problems”

We think we have problems. 

We have thoughts about things. 

This is it. 

I thought I had a problem.  

My friend, complains about Everything. Absolutely Everything.  It annoys the crap out of me. 

Is this a problem? Or a Thought? My brain insists that it’s a big problem.  

My thoughts about my friend is that it’s annoying that she is always complaining as if everything she says is factual news.  My brain has a lot of thoughts. Not problems. 

Is my friend complaining? Or does she believe she is sharing her thoughts?  

Guess what? My friend is an adult, and she can think and do and say anything she wants! 

My thoughts are just that, thoughts, and it’s my responsibility to manage my own thoughts and feelings. 

I can choose to make my thoughts a problem for myself, or I can choose to recognize that nothing has gone wrong, there is no problem. There are my thoughts. 

Most things that my brain decides are Problems, are my thoughts. 

I challenge you to ask yourself, is this a problem? Or my thoughts? 

If you would like to continue this conversation,  I would love to hear your thoughts on things you believe are problems. 


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