Freedom – How to Be Free
Jacquelin Finnicum Jacquelin Finnicum

Freedom – How to Be Free

Where do you believe Freedom comes from?What is your belief about being free?free·dom/ˈfrēdəm/nounthe power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.I love Webster's definition of freedom, the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint isn't that amazing? I believe that means that freedom is first created in our mind.

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Quality over Quantity
Jacquelin Finnicum Jacquelin Finnicum

Quality over Quantity

Recently my husband and I downsized from a very large home to a very small home.

I was amazed at how much stuff we had collected over the seven years that we lived in that house.

As we begin the moving process, I decided that I was going to choose quality over quantity.

I’m almost ashamed to admit but over the course of 15 days we got rid of a quantity of over

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The Power of Making Decisions
Jacquelin Finnicum Jacquelin Finnicum

The Power of Making Decisions

Tony Robbins – “It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.”

I used to spend a lot of time in the realm of “I don’t know” and “I need to think about it.” I was so afraid of making the wrong decision that I just couldn’t decide. I would just consume more information telling myself that having more information would help me decide. This wasted so much of my time and

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Letting Go
Jacquelin Finnicum Jacquelin Finnicum

Letting Go

Why do we have so much trouble letting go?

We like to hold onto things, situations, circumstances, people, feelings. There’s comfort in the familiarity, even when it’s rooted in negative emotion.

When we are unable to let go, our memories and emotions become a part of our “story” and then work against us, holding us back.

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Jacquelin Finnicum Jacquelin Finnicum


What stands between us and what we desire most? Usually Fear. Fear of failure. Fear of feeling an emotion that causes us discomfort. Fear is why we need Courage. Courage only exists because of fear.

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Jacquelin Finnicum Jacquelin Finnicum


Gratitude increases happiness. Gratitude allows us to focus on the present and appreciate what we have now, instead of on what we don't have, and want and think we need. Gratitude creates joy, love, and contentment. Gratitude reduces materialism. Expressing gratitude improves mental, physical and relational well-being.

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My Mom Said There’d Be Days Like That
Jacquelin Finnicum Jacquelin Finnicum

My Mom Said There’d Be Days Like That

When I was a kid I was taught that there would be hard days… I grew up believing that there are bad days… I grew up believing that Mondays are hard days. What if there really are no hard days…

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Change is Necessary
Jacquelin Finnicum Jacquelin Finnicum

Change is Necessary

Change is scary. Change is Necessary. Change occurs as a process, not an event. Change is created in our Minds. Change begins with our Thinking. Change is constantly happening even when we don't think it is. As new Moms, we watch our babies change right before our eyes. As humans

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Jacquelin Finnicum Jacquelin Finnicum


Recently I have been talking with people, and something that I keep hearing over and over again is they wish they just had more passion in their life... They want to go and find passion. To Feel Passion. Where does passion come from and where do we find it?

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Why We Procrastinate
Jacquelin Finnicum Jacquelin Finnicum

Why We Procrastinate

I have Procrastinated. I procrastinate because I'm afraid of failing at the tasks that I need to complete. I procrastinate because sometimes I feel lazy and I wait for inspiration to come find me. I procrastinate because I am avoiding doing the task ahead of me. Technically, there are four types of procrastination:

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